Monday, January 26, 2009

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What is a prosthodontist?

A prosthodontist is a dentist who specializes in the restoration and replacement of teeth. Most prosthodontists receive two to three years of additional training after dental school in a program accredited by the American Dental Association based either at a hospital or a university. The training includes reviews of the literature, lectures, treatment of patients and laboratory experience in fabricating restorations.

¿Que es un protésico?

Un protésico es un dentista especializado en restauraciones y en remplazar dientes. Muchos protésicos reciben dos o tres años de estudios adicionales después de la escuela dental en un programa acreditado por la asociación americana dental con base en en un hospital o en una universidad. El curso incluye exámenes/críticas/revisiones de literatura, charlas / conferencias, tratamiento a pacientes y experiencia en el laboratorio fabricando restauraciones.

What dental procedures does a prosthodontist perform?

Prosthodontists are the experts in dental rehabilitation and have mastered many procedures including: crowns, caps, bridges, veneers, removable partial dentures, dentures and dental implants. In addition to restoring dental implants with restorations, many prosthodontists are surgically placing implants as well.

¿Qué procedimientos dentales lleva a cabo un protésico?

Los protésicos son expertos en rehabilitación dental y tienen dominio en muchos procedimientos incluidos: corona, esmalte, puentes, barnices, dentadura parcial removible, dentaduras e implantes dentales. Además de restaurar implantes dentales con sustituciones muchos protésicos están implantando quirúrgicamente implantes también.

Is a prosthodontist different from a “cosmetic dentist”?

The American Dental Association recognizes nine dental specialties, and the ADA does not include “cosmetic dentistry” as a specialty. Prosthodontists receive extensive training and experience in dental esthetics and cosmetics during their graduate programs which currently last three years. Many cosmetic dentists receive training during seminars or a series of courses, but this training is usually limited to weekend or possibly weeklong courses.

¿ Es diferente un protésico de un dentista cosmético?

La asociación americana dental reconoce nueve especialidades dentales, y la ADA no incluye odontología cosmética como especialidad. Los protésicos reciben una extensa capacitación y experiencia en estética dental y cosmética durante su programa para graduarse, el cual dura tres años. Muchos dentistas cosméticos reciben una formación en unos seminarios o en una serie de cursos pero estos usualmente se limitan a un fin de semana o posibles cursos semanales.

Will the prosthodontist complete all of my required treatment?

The prosthodontist is best viewed as the "architect" of your dental project. S/he has the vision of your final outcome, both the esthetics of your smile and the improved function of your bite. Often other dental specialists may participate in your treatment to help establish a solid foundation for your restorations. Every prosthodontist develops a treatment plan customized for each individual patient, and s/he will determine if adjunctive procedures by another doctor are necessary.

¿ Completara el protésico todos mis tratamientos requeridos ?

El protésico se ve mejor como el "arquitecto" del proyecto dental. Él/ ella tiene la visión de su resultado final, tanto la estética de su sonrisa y la mejora de la función de su mordida. A menudo, otros especialistas dentales pueden participar en su tratamiento para ayudar a establecer una base sólida para su restauración. El protésico desarrolla un plan de tratamiento personalizado para cada paciente individual, y él/ella determinará si procedimientos adjuntos por otro médico son necesarios.

What is a Board Certified Prosthodontist?

A Board Certified Prosthodontist has successfully completed extensive examinations by the American Board of Prosthodontics. These examinations involve written and oral examinations in prosthodontic theory and literature, the presentation of three different patient treatments, documented from the beginning to the end of the treatment and examinations over the rationale of this treatment. As a Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics, the prosthodontist must successfully complete a re-certification examination every eight years.

¿ Qué es un protésico colegiado?.

El protésico colegiado ha completado con éxito extensos exámenes por el tribunal americano de protésicos. Estos exámenes incluyes exámenes orales y escritos en teoría protésica y literatura, la presentación para tres tratamientos de pacientes diferentes, propuesta desde el comienzo al final del tratamiento y exámenes sobre las razones para ese tratamiento. Como diplomado por el tribunal americano de protésicos, el protésico debe completar con éxito un examen de renovación cada ocho años.

Monday, January 19, 2009


1. What is a composite restoration?

Composite is a tooth coloured material composed of glass particulates suspended in a resin matrix. They have been used in dentistry for many decades.The single great advantage of composites is that they are placed and hardened in the dental chair.
Their use includes the restoration of dental cavities, the replacement of dental amalgam (metal alloys), and the restoration of teeth when they have been worn or chipped away. In addition, composites are often used for aesthetic reasons to enhance the contour, shape, colouring or relative position of the front teeth.It takes approximately one hour to restore a simple cavity with composite.

2. What is bonding?

The dental bonding procedure utilizes a composite resin and is used for a variety of structural as well as cosmetic purposes. One can draw a parallel between dental bonding materials and a sculptor's clay. By using dental composite resin bonding your dentist can restore chipped or broken teeth, fill in gaps and reshape or recolor your smile.

3. When is bonding of special use?

Dental bonding , also known as composite or tooth bonding, is an excellent way to fix cosmetic and structural imperfections in the teeth.Cosmetic bonding can also repair misaligned teeth, providing a straighter, more uniform smile.

Benefits of Cosmetic Bonding

Dental bonding is also a great alternative to more extensive cosmetic dentistry treatment with porcelain veneers, bridges, and crowns. Additionally, the composite resin used in a cosmetic bonding procedure is very flexible, expanding and contracting with the natural tooth to prevent cracks and tooth loss. Dental bonding is an excellent option for individuals looking to repair imperfections in their smile.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Dental restorations are procedures to repair a damaged or decayed tooth. The most common type of restorative dentistry is a filling, which may be amalgam (ver), composite resin (white) or other materials. Crowns may be used when a filling will not be enough to strengthen the tooth, such as after root canal treatment or apicoectomy. Inlays and onlays are similar to crowns.

Dental restorations are used to restore damaged or decayed teeth. They can frequently save teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. Restorations include fillings, inlays and onlays, veneers, crowns, implants, bridges, and dentures. Dental restorations can be described as direct and indirect restorations. Some restorations require multiple visits to the dentist (e.g., crowns, bridges). Restorations can be made from a number of different materials, including amalgam, composite resin, ionomers, metal alloys, porcelain and porcelain fused to metal.

WhY sHoUld A DaMaGeD Or DeCAyED ToOtH bE ResTOrED???

  • A tooth is repaired to protect the part of the tooth that has become exposed by the decay or injury.
  • It can prevent the loss of a tooth, since decay may spread and destroy the tooth.
  • Restoration permits normal eating and chewing.
  • Restored teeth should reinstate, or improve upon, the appearance of teeth and the face.

What are the available dental restoration???

A bridge is a device that replaces missing teeth with artificial teeth that are anchored to adjacent teeth or implants. Also called a partial denture, a bridge may be permanently attached (fixed) or removable and may last five to seven years or longer.

There are numerous types of bridges available, which can be made from various materials. In a traditional bridge, the artificial teeth, or pontics, are attached to natural abutment teeth located on either side of the gap.
A bridge is a type of indirect restoration. This means that it will require two or more visits to the dental office: one to prepare the abutment teeth and make impressions and another to fit and adjust the bridge and secure it into place.

An implant is an anchor for a prosthetic tooth or teeth (e.g., crown, bridge, denture) that is surgically placed in the jaw. It becomes fused with the jawbone as the bone heals around it. Implants are most commonly made of titanium, a special type of metal that bone fuses to and does not reject as a foreign body.

Implants are used to replace missing or lost teeth. A missing tooth can affect the jaw and lead to bone loss.People with missing teeth may also have difficulty chewing or be dissatisfied with their appearance.

Inlays and onlays are dental restorations used by a select number of dentist. In certain cases, inlays and onlays are a conservative alternative to full coverage dental crowns. Also known as indirect fillings, inlays and onlays offer a well-fitting, stronger, longer lasting reparative solution to tooth decay or similar damage. These restorations are beneficial from both an esthetic and functional point of view.

Inlays and onlays can often be used in place of traditional dental fillings to treat tooth decay or similar structural damage.

Complete dentures are used to replace missing teeth for people with no remaining teeth. Dentures may also be used for people who have lost several teeth. It is very important to replace missing teeth. The ill effects of not doing so can be a shift in remaining teeth, an inability to bite and chew properly, as well as a sagging facial appearance, which makes one appear older than they are.

Dental crowns, also known as “caps,” preserve the functionality of damaged teeth. Crowns may be used to protect a cracked tooth, restore functionality of a tooth with excessive decay, or replace a pre-existing crown. The purpose of a dental crown is to encase a needy tooth with a custom-designed material. Dentists today have a variety of conservative treatment options through which to restore teeth. If possible, these options should be explored and discussed before selecting the full coverage crown.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Four different tissues make up each tooth. The enamel is the durable, white covering. Enamel protects the tooth from the wear and tear of chewing.

Dental Fact: did you know that the enamel on your teeth is the hardest substance in your body?

Dentin supports the enamel on your teeth. It's a yellow bone-like material that's softer than enamel and carries some of the nerve fibres that tell you when something is going wrong inside your tooth.

The Pulp is the centre of the tooth. It's a soft tissue that contains blood and lymph vessels, and nerves. The pulp is how the tooth receives nourishment and transmits signals to your brain.

Cementum is what covers most of the root of the tooth. It helps to attach the tooth to the bones in your jaw. A cushioning layer called the Periodontal Ligament sits between the cementum and the jawbone. It helps to connect the two.



Normally, a human receives two sets of teeth during a lifetime. The first (deciduous or primary) set consists of 20 teeth ("baby" teeth). The second (permanent) set usually consists of 32 teeth. In each quadrant, there are eight permanent teeth: two incisors, one cuspid, two bicuspids, and three molar. The tooth positioned immediately to the side of the midline is the central incisor, so called because it occupies a central location in the arch. To the side of the central incisor is the lateral incisor. Next is the cuspid, then the two bicuspids (the first bicuspid, followed by the second bicuspid). The last teeth are three molars. After the second bicuspid comes the first molar, followed by the second molar.Names of the teeth in the right maxillary and mandibular quadrants; anterior and posterior teeth.

Third molar or more commonly called the "wisdom tooth."

Another method of describing the location of teeth is to refer to them as anterior or posterior teeth (fig. 4-15). Anterior teeth are those located in the front of the mouth, the incisors, and the cuspids. Normally, these are the teeth that are visible when a person smiles. The posterior teeth are those located in the back of the mouth-the bicuspids and molars.


To avoid confusion, you must identify a tooth as completely as possible. Give its full name: Central incisor (not incisor), second molar (not molar), etc. But even the full name of a tooth does not provide adequate identification because several teeth have the same name.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mi liFe

Hi I´m Nazaret and I´m 19 years old, I live in Yunquera, a little village in Guadalajara...I was born in Logroño but I always lived in Huelva until four years ago that I moved to Yunquera.I like the beach and going out with my friends.In my free time I go out with my friends....We go to the park, bar,shopping center.My dreams is travelling and meeting a lot of people. I hate the cold and getting up early.....

I study in Azuqueca a high degree.This degree is about Dental Prosthesis and lasts two years.In this course we learn to do prosthesis and braces.We have two months of professional training in companies.
Last summer I worked in a shop to win money and I can buy my things.

In January I will start a intensive course to be a free time instructor.